A new investigation reveals reports of shark, ray, dolphin, and whale abuse on M...More >

On Monday, the 27th, a public hearing will be held to stop the finning trade in ...More >

That's great but let's not stop there! The EU has a chance to finally establish ...More >

@VSinkevicius @EU_Commission @UN @EU_MARE @EU_ENV @EUatUN @EUintheUS @EUClimateA...More >

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Japan Dolphin Day (September 1st)

September 1 of each year marks the commencement of the dolphin drive hunts in Taiji, Japan. OPS joins global advocates in this annual event to raise awareness about these brutal hunts.

The goal of these annual commemorative events, which take place all over the globe, is to spotlight the killing of dolphins in Taiji, raise awareness, and inspire action. OPS’ role is to encourage the people of Japan to learn more about the hunts and to take positive action–such as opposing captivity, avoiding the consumption of whale and dolphin meat, and promoting environmentally-responsible economic activities.

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