A new investigation reveals reports of shark, ray, dolphin, and whale abuse on M...More >

On Monday, the 27th, a public hearing will be held to stop the finning trade in ...More >

That's great but let's not stop there! The EU has a chance to finally establish ...More >

@VSinkevicius @EU_Commission @UN @EU_MARE @EU_ENV @EUatUN @EUintheUS @EUClimateA...More >

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Natalie Parra, Campaign Director

Natalie manages OPS’ campaigns and partnerships. Her goal is to bring together like-minded members of the public to create strength in numbers for ongoing marine conservation efforts. She currently resides in Hawai’i and actively participates in legislation aimed at combatting plastic pollution, creating stronger protection for sharks and rays, and phasing out cetacean captivity throughout the islands. As a Cressi ambassador, Natalie is an avid free diver and uses her time spent under the surface to document and share the visible impacts humans are having on marine life. She believes that each individual holds the power to create immense change in their lifetime and finding creative ways to inspire people to take action for the ocean is the key to saving it.

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