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Whaling doesn’t belong in Iceland or a modern world.

By the mid-1900s, hunting nearly wiped out the great whales globally. Unfortunately, commercial whaling continues in Iceland, Norway, and Japan where over a thousand whales are killed every year in these countries.

Hunted on an industrial scale for their oil and for their meat, many species of great whales suffered catastrophic declines by the mid-1900s.

Even though many nations reversed course and recognize the devastating effects of whaling across the globe, others continue to hunt whales and dolphins for meat—meat that is often shipped abroad, dumped at sea, incinerated, or turned into pet food because of waning demand.

Iceland killed 148 fin whales this season, and more than 1,500 fin and minke whales have been killed in Iceland since 2003 when the country resumed commercial whaling after a 13-year hiatus.

The Minister of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries has signaled that she is reconsidering the issuance of quotas for hunting fin and minke whales in Iceland. Current quotas expire at the end of 2023, and the Icelandic authorities will be considering whether whaling will continue in 2024 and beyond.

Iceland has a chance to put whaling in the past and align with global attitudes that seek protection and reverence for these sentient ocean dwellers.

Tell Iceland that whales are worth more alive, than dead, and that it is time to relegate this brutal and archaic practice to the history books.

Help us end commercial whaling forever.

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